Sunday, June 3, 2012

What's Growing?

For farmers, the weather forecast takes on great importance and, with our new high tunnel, we must be ever vigilant. A brief period of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy and chilly day can overheat even the most heat-loving plants. So far we've been able to be on top of it after a brief scare on Maple Festival Saturday when a quick trip to town for lunch was just enough time to almost overheat the tomatoes and peppers planted inside. It was a good learning experience.
Are you wondering what's growing in the high tunnel?
Here are a few photos I took this afternoon.
These are among the first tomatoes transplanted into the high tunnel in early May.

That's one of the first zucchini blossoms!

Yellow, green and purple string beans almost ready to blossom.
In the background are the first of the pepper plants - green bell and early jalapenos. At the other end of the tunnel are the rest of the peppers - orange, purple, red and green bell bell peppers and a variety of hot peppers.
These tomatoes were transplanted the third week of May, along with their companion planting of Rosie basil.

There are also many vegetables growing outside as well including this leaf lettuce enjoying the latest rain shower!

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