Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Next Generation

Our grandchildren (ages 2 1/2 and 1 year) were here for a two-week visit and I took this picture on the morning of their last day in Pennsylvania - note the pajamas! They live in eastern Oregon in a small town in the middle of vast stretches of rolling wheat fields. We delighted in introducing them to this old farm where their mother, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents and great-great-great grandparents have lived. The night before this picture was taken, we kept Rowan up past his bedtime in hopes of seeing fireflies. Sure enough - we spied a just a few of the glowing insects. While he's read about fireflies in a book, their habitat does not extend to eastern Oregon. When Grandpa carried the lad out into the darkness, he spied the crescent moon he had seen while on the porch and could not be dissuaded of his notion that there are two moons!

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