Thursday, December 1, 2011

Double Blind Taste Test

I enjoyed a conversation with a dear friend last evening who has been enjoying her supply of a variety of organic potatoes – from Metzger Heritage Farm of course! She related with great delight a tale of a taste test conducted at a weekend gathering. Folks attending the party tasted potatoes from a well-known retailer and organic Butte potatoes from Metzger Heritage Farm and it's no surprise to me that our potatoes were preferred by every one of the tasters! The tasters included folks of all ages and even the children could tell the difference.
And if you still need some convincing that organic potatoes are far superior, how about this article titled "7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won't Eat Them" from
4. Conventionally Grown (Not Organic) Potatoes
The Expert:
Jeffrey Moyer, chair of the National Organic Standards Board.
The Reason:
Herbicides and pesticides may not be sprayed directly on root vegetables (since they're underground), but they absorb the chemicals through the soil and water. Because potatoes are considered the nation's most popular vegetable, producing a healthy crop is essential to keep up with demand. In order to maintain their health, the article exposes the scary fact that "they're treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting." But here's the scary thing, Moyer says that he's talked to potato growers "who say point-blank they would never eat the potatoes they sell. They have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals.
"The Solution: Another no-brainer— Only buy organic potatoes.
Here's the link to the entire article if you're interested.

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