Friday, October 28, 2011

Learning About Food Safety

Did you know that improperly stored baked potatoes can harbor the bacteria that causes botulism? If you've inadvertently left a lonely baked potato in the oven after dinner, you could have provided the bacterium the perfect medium to grow and multiply to unsafe levels.
I learned about this and other food safety information by completing the Serv-Safe certification course offered by Penn State Cooperative Extension. I have been interested in learning about food safety so that, as farmers who grow vegetables and fruits, we are aware of potential contaminants.
I took the course through the efforts of the Potter County Education Council. If you're not familiar with the Ed Council, take a look at its website ( to learn about the many educational opportunities available in our locale.
Speaking of the Ed Council, the course instructor suggested that we also investigate GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices) training. He would offer the four-hour course through the Ed Council if ten folks showed interest.

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