Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Buttoning Up

The teasingly beautiful days this fall provided us a false sense of security when it comes to what can be accomplished before winter really sets in. But alas, it seems the dire predictions of moving into the deep freeze hysterically trumpeted by every single weather guru this week might be the harbinger of things to come. But, lest we forget, it is November in northern Pennsylvania!
I'd say we've accomplished a lot of what needs to be done in the gardens, high tunnel, orchard and fields but it's discouraging to see what still should be done.

Yesterday a work crew arrived to put a new roof put on the big barn that we've recently acquired across the road from our house. This grand old lady has fallen on hard times recently but we're full of plans to keep her useful. This first step will help preserve her for what's to come.
When the crew finishes that one, they'll move on to the newer barns that need to have their nearly 40-year-old roofs replaced as well.
Yesterday I dug more carrots. Our customers who pre-ordered their winter supply are enjoying the ones harvested a couple of weeks ago and the rest are being stored for our winter use. They are so beautiful and so delicious that I have been adding them to nearly everything I have been cooking. And it seems that the dog feels quite entitled to enjoy the tops and tips and all the ugly/split/ puny ones as a bedtime snack!

Napoli, Atomic Red, Dragon Purple & Yellowstone Carrots
 I have discovered that our best plan is to plant the main crop of carrots outdoors in July to help control weeds and carrot pests. That gives them enough time to mature and the cold weather they need to develop sweetness. We also plant a limited number of carrots in the high tunnel to harvest throughout the late spring and summer. They fit nicely on the outside of the tomato rows.
I could be talked into parting with a few more carrots if you're interested. Just email ( or call 274-8004. Also, potatoes are still available at Costa's and Genesee Natural Foods. For larger quantities, we offer discounted price with a purchase of 10 pounds or more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never imagined that carrots came in colors other than orange. Very interesting!